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Wednesday, April 16

8:00am EDT

P100's Featured Research Session I Posters Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P101 A Study of Online Cosmetics Reviews by Japanese Consumers in Their 10s and 20s: Focusing on Structural Topic Modeling (STM) Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P102 Ambivalent Roles of Social Media on Young Adults’ Mental Health Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P103 Association between Sleep and Consumption of Caffeine and Nicotine Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P104 Consumer Credit Score and Financial Well-Being in Mexico Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P105 Do Sustainable Attributes Matter in Consumer Review Ratings for Skincare Products?: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Vegan Status Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P106 Evaluating Consumer Education and Cultural Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A University Pilot Study Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P107 From Knowledge to Practice: Analyzing Consumer Antecedents of Circular Economy Behaviors Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P108 Frugal Finance and Wellbeing: Exploring the Nexus in Emerging Markets Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P109 Household Expenditure on Education and Psychological Factors: Determinants and Impact Analysis Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P110 Household Food Security and the Impact of School Meal Programs on Added-Sugar Intake Among Youths Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P111 Predicting Default Risk of Disabled Adults in South Korea Using Machine Learning Techniques Sternwheeler (William Penn Level)

5:15pm EDT

P200's Featured Research Session II Posters Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P201 Analysis of Household Financial Decision-Making in Debt Management: Examining the Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Debt-Related Choices Over Time Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P202 Buy Now, Pay Later and Alternative Financial Service Usage Among Low-Wage Workers Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P203 Developing the Scale for Popcorn Brain in Managerial Perspective and for Consumer Psychological Protection Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P204 Does Student Loan Repayment Reduce Retirement Savings? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P205 Dynamic Relationship Between Consumer Confidence And Federal Funds Interest Rates: VECM and TVECM Analyses Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P206 Examining the Gender Gap in Participation in Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: Oaxaca Decomposition Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P207 Financial Education Policies and Financial Well-Being: Examining the Impact of State Mandates Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P209 Financial Well-Being and Inclusivity in Digital Finance Apps Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P210 How Overconfidence and Financial Literacy Affect Investment Fraud Vulnerability? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P211 Impacts of Employment Changes and Stimulus Payments on Consumer Debt Delinquency During COVID-19 Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P212 The Impact of the Adverse Market Refinance Fee: Estimating the Interest Rate Elasticity Using Mortgage Refinancing Notches Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P213 The Influence of Information Resources and Psychological Factors on Financial Bandwagon Behavior Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P214 What Influences Young People's Financial Decision-Making and What Can Be Done About It? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level)
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