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H1 Consumption and Recycling Three Rivers (William Penn Level)
H1a Exploring the Role of Social Motives in the Enjoyment of Consumption Three Rivers (William Penn Level)
H1b Mindful Consumption for Economic and Environmental Resilience: Segmenting Consumers to Promote Sustainable Fashion Choices Three Rivers (William Penn Level)
H1c Sustainable Consumer Behavior: Identifying Behavior Change Stages in Recycling Three Rivers (William Penn Level)
H2 Political Sympathy, FSA Loans, and Consumer Interactions Riverboat (William Penn Level)
H2a Dealing With the Aftermath: Understanding Political Sympathy’s Association With Financial Perspectives, Wellness, Efficacy, and Portfolio Actions and How to Help Clients After Major Events Riverboat (William Penn Level)
H2b Bridging the Gap: Evaluating Equity and Resilience in FSA Loans for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers – A Comparative Study of Primary and Ad Hoc Loan Types Riverboat (William Penn Level)
H3 Personalized Longevity, Planning Horizons, and Cancer Survivors Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine)
H3a Health Disparities in Financial Toxicity & Well-Being among Cancer Survivors: Perspectives From Behavioral Health Economics & Behavioral Medicine Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine)
H3b The Triad of Finance: Understanding Financial Knowledge, Advice-Seeking, and Financial Planning Horizons Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine)
H3c The Value of Personalized Longevity Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine)
H4 The Financial Impact of Social Media: Anxiety and Market Expectations Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)
H4a Likes, Shares, and Financial Fears: Exploring the Link Between Social Media Use and Financial Anxiety Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)
H4c The Social Media Effect: Social Media Usage, Investment Knowledge, and Market Outperformance Expectations Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)
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