Monday, April 14

8:00am EDT

5:30pm EDT

Tuesday, April 15

8:00am EDT

11:00am EDT

1:00pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

5:15pm EDT

B1 The Financial Literacy Session Three Rivers (William Penn Level) B1a Crunching the Numbers: Do Math Skills Enhance Financial Literacy? Three Rivers (William Penn Level) B1b Financial Literacy, Online Scam and Financial Well-being Among Young People Three Rivers (William Penn Level) B1c The Interplay of Financial Literacy, Economic Environment, and Social Safety Net: Trends in Financial Well-Being Indicators in the United States Three Rivers (William Penn Level) B2 From Homework to Home: Navigating Housing, ADHD, and Debt Riverboat (William Penn Level) B2b Building Futures: The Impact of Affordable Housing on Student Achievement Riverboat (William Penn Level) B2c Scarcity in Everyday Life: How ADHD and Student Loan Debt Shape Personal Experiences Riverboat (William Penn Level) B3 The Racial and Ethnic Disparities Session Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) B3a Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Credit Scores and Length of Credit History Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) B3b Racial/Ethical Disparities in Pandemic-Related Economic Hardships: Can Financial Capability Help? Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) B3c Racial/Ethnic Differences in Household Debt Payment Delinquency Among Renters and Homeowners Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) B4 The Personality Traits Session Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) B4b The Role of Big Five Personality Traits and Basic Social Justice Orientation in Charitable Giving: Insights From South Korea Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) B4c Understanding Retirement Behavior through Personality Traits: Evidence From European Data Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)

7:45pm EDT

Wednesday, April 16

7:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

Breakfast Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P100's Featured Research Session I Posters Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P101 A Study of Online Cosmetics Reviews by Japanese Consumers in Their 10s and 20s: Focusing on Structural Topic Modeling (STM) Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P102 Ambivalent Roles of Social Media on Young Adults’ Mental Health Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P103 Association between Sleep and Consumption of Caffeine and Nicotine Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P104 Consumer Credit Score and Financial Well-Being in Mexico Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P105 Do Sustainable Attributes Matter in Consumer Review Ratings for Skincare Products?: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Vegan Status Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P106 Evaluating Consumer Education and Cultural Influences on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A University Pilot Study Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P107 From Knowledge to Practice: Analyzing Consumer Antecedents of Circular Economy Behaviors Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P108 Frugal Finance and Wellbeing: Exploring the Nexus in Emerging Markets Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P109 Household Expenditure on Education and Psychological Factors: Determinants and Impact Analysis Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P110 Household Food Security and the Impact of School Meal Programs on Added-Sugar Intake Among Youths Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P111 Predicting Default Risk of Disabled Adults in South Korea Using Machine Learning Techniques Sternwheeler (William Penn Level)

9:00am EDT

10:45am EDT

12:15pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

D1 Symposium: Voluntary Standards Enhance Consumer Well-Being: Community Service and Educational Opportunities on Consumer Issues, from Technology to Toy Safety, Standards are Everywhere Three Rivers (William Penn Level) D2 Investing Decisions: AI, Psychology, and Risk-Taking Riverboat (William Penn Level) D2a Describing Household Risk-Taking During Times of Financial Crisis Riverboat (William Penn Level) D2b Enhancing Investment Decision-Making for Financial Consumers Using a Retrieval-Augmented Generation Large Language Model (RAG-LLM) Riverboat (William Penn Level) D2c The Psychology of Investor Behavior: Stock Market Expectations and Portfolio Decisions During Market Volatility Riverboat (William Penn Level) D3 Eat Up: Food as Medicine, SNAP Work Requirements, and Grocery Choices Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) D3a Examining the Brand Choice Preference of Low-Income Population’s Grocery Shopping Behavior Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) D3b Food as Medicine in Underserved Areas: Diverse Responses of the Veggie Rx Model Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) D3b The Impact of SNAP Work Requirements on Food Spending Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) D4 Financial Services and the Financial Experiences of Transgender Americans Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) D4a Measuring Financial Access Using Financial Services and Products Indicators: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) D4b The Financial Experiences of Transgender Americans: Findings From a National Probability Sample Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) D4c The Use of Services as a Mediator of the Relationship Bbetween Social Support and Well-Being Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)

3:45pm EDT

5:15pm EDT

P200's Featured Research Session II Posters Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P201 Analysis of Household Financial Decision-Making in Debt Management: Examining the Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Debt-Related Choices Over Time Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P202 Buy Now, Pay Later and Alternative Financial Service Usage Among Low-Wage Workers Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P203 Developing the Scale for Popcorn Brain in Managerial Perspective and for Consumer Psychological Protection Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P204 Does Student Loan Repayment Reduce Retirement Savings? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P205 Dynamic Relationship Between Consumer Confidence And Federal Funds Interest Rates: VECM and TVECM Analyses Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P206 Examining the Gender Gap in Participation in Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans: Oaxaca Decomposition Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P207 Financial Education Policies and Financial Well-Being: Examining the Impact of State Mandates Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P209 Financial Well-Being and Inclusivity in Digital Finance Apps Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P210 How Overconfidence and Financial Literacy Affect Investment Fraud Vulnerability? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P211 Impacts of Employment Changes and Stimulus Payments on Consumer Debt Delinquency During COVID-19 Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P212 The Impact of the Adverse Market Refinance Fee: Estimating the Interest Rate Elasticity Using Mortgage Refinancing Notches Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P213 The Influence of Information Resources and Psychological Factors on Financial Bandwagon Behavior Sternwheeler (William Penn Level) P214 What Influences Young People's Financial Decision-Making and What Can Be Done About It? Sternwheeler (William Penn Level)

6:15pm EDT

6:30pm EDT

Thursday, April 17

7:00am EDT

8:00am EDT

F1 Chronic Illness and Economic Security: A Multidimensional Analysis of Disparities Three Rivers (William Penn Level) F1a Differences in Older Adults’ Economic Security When Experiencing Chronic Health Conditions: Insights From Electronic Health Records, Wage Earnings, and Credit Data Three Rivers (William Penn Level) F1b The Role of Individual and Regional Factors in Health Satisfaction Three Rivers (William Penn Level) F1c The Unequal Burden of Health on Household Wealth: Gender Differences in Chronic Illness Effects Three Rivers (William Penn Level) F2 Parental Influence on Financial Well-Being Riverboat (William Penn Level) F2a Financial Helicopter Parenting and College Student Financial Well-Being Riverboat (William Penn Level) F2b Financially Supporting Children and Parents’ Retirement Planning Riverboat (William Penn Level) F2d The Roles of Financial Socialization and Financial Capability Across Generations' Financial Well-being Riverboat (William Penn Level) F3 Fintech Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) F3a Bridging Gaps in Financial Wellbeing: The Role of Fintech for Americans With Disabilities Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) F3b Fintech Use, Financial Confidence, and Financial Health Among Young Adult Consumers Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) F3c IT-Mindfulness and Fintech Adoption: Exploring Mediators and Moderators of Usage Intentions Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) F3d Technology Readiness, Adoption of Digital Financial Services, and Impact on Financial Well-being Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) F4 Immigrant Financial Health: Vulnerability, Fraud, and Engagement Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) F4a Immigrant Status and the Severity of Financial Vulnerability in Households With Older Adults Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) F4b Harvesting the Fruits of their Labor: Understanding the Role of Mixed Immigration Status in Family Financial Socialization Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) F4c Immigrants’ Financial Fraud Experience in the U.S. Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) F4d Immigration and Financial Engagement Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)

9:45am EDT

G1 The impact of economic factors on family support and retirement satisfaction Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G1a The Association Between Relative Non-Labor Income and Retirement Satisfaction Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G1b Vulnerable Families and the Effect of Early Economic Hardship on Obtaining Child Support Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G2 Health and Happiness Now Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2a Happiness Unlocked: Exploring the Interplay of Wealth, Health, Love, Career, and Social Ties Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2b Living the Moment – Financial Behavior After a Major Health Event Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2c Unsecured Debt and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Americans: The Role of Health Literacy Riverboat (William Penn Level) G3 Financial Behavior, Well-Being, and Discrimination Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3a Personal Finance and Subjective Well-Being – A Multi-Dimensional Analysis Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3b Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Financial Discrimination Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3c The Future is Now – The Longitudinal Perspective on Financial Behavior and Moderating Effect of Rational Thinking Dispositions Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G4 Financial Resilience and Independence Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4a Achieving Financial Independence: The Interplay of Social Security Disability Insurance, the Affordable Care Act, and Economic Empowerment - Evidence From the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4b Financial Resilience Alleviates Financial Anxiety in Global Contexts: Hierarchical Linear Modeling on Cross-National Socioeconomic Development Indicators Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4c Rebounding from Adversity: Financial Resilience as a Foundation for Mental Health and Well-being Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)

11:15am EDT

1:00pm EDT

H1 Consumption and Recycling Three Rivers (William Penn Level) H1a Exploring the Role of Social Motives in the Enjoyment of Consumption Three Rivers (William Penn Level) H1b Mindful Consumption for Economic and Environmental Resilience: Segmenting Consumers to Promote Sustainable Fashion Choices Three Rivers (William Penn Level) H1c Sustainable Consumer Behavior: Identifying Behavior Change Stages in Recycling Three Rivers (William Penn Level) H2 Political Sympathy, FSA Loans, and Consumer Interactions Riverboat (William Penn Level) H2a Dealing With the Aftermath: Understanding Political Sympathy’s Association With Financial Perspectives, Wellness, Efficacy, and Portfolio Actions and How to Help Clients After Major Events Riverboat (William Penn Level) H2b Bridging the Gap: Evaluating Equity and Resilience in FSA Loans for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers – A Comparative Study of Primary and Ad Hoc Loan Types Riverboat (William Penn Level) H3 Personalized Longevity, Planning Horizons, and Cancer Survivors Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) H3a Health Disparities in Financial Toxicity & Well-Being among Cancer Survivors: Perspectives From Behavioral Health Economics & Behavioral Medicine Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) H3b The Triad of Finance: Understanding Financial Knowledge, Advice-Seeking, and Financial Planning Horizons Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) H3c The Value of Personalized Longevity Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) H4 The Financial Impact of Social Media: Anxiety and Market Expectations Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) H4a Likes, Shares, and Financial Fears: Exploring the Link Between Social Media Use and Financial Anxiety Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) H4c The Social Media Effect: Social Media Usage, Investment Knowledge, and Market Outperformance Expectations Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)

2:40pm EDT

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