Type: Concurrent G clear filter
Thursday, April 17

9:45am EDT

G1 The impact of economic factors on family support and retirement satisfaction Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G1a The Association Between Relative Non-Labor Income and Retirement Satisfaction Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G1b Vulnerable Families and the Effect of Early Economic Hardship on Obtaining Child Support Three Rivers (William Penn Level) G2 Health and Happiness Now Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2a Happiness Unlocked: Exploring the Interplay of Wealth, Health, Love, Career, and Social Ties Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2b Living the Moment – Financial Behavior After a Major Health Event Riverboat (William Penn Level) G2c Unsecured Debt and Psychological Well-Being Among Older Americans: The Role of Health Literacy Riverboat (William Penn Level) G3 Financial Behavior, Well-Being, and Discrimination Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3a Personal Finance and Subjective Well-Being – A Multi-Dimensional Analysis Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3b Racial/Ethnic Gaps in Financial Discrimination Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G3c The Future is Now – The Longitudinal Perspective on Financial Behavior and Moderating Effect of Rational Thinking Dispositions Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine) G4 Financial Resilience and Independence Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4a Achieving Financial Independence: The Interplay of Social Security Disability Insurance, the Affordable Care Act, and Economic Empowerment - Evidence From the Panel Study of Income Dynamics Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4b Financial Resilience Alleviates Financial Anxiety in Global Contexts: Hierarchical Linear Modeling on Cross-National Socioeconomic Development Indicators Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine) G4c Rebounding from Adversity: Financial Resilience as a Foundation for Mental Health and Well-being Bob & Delores Hope (Mezzanine)
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