Thursday April 17, 2025 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
This study examines the role of non-labor income relative to net worth in shaping retirement satisfaction. Specifically, the authors create a ratio comparing income from annuities, pensions, and social security to net worth to observe the role of non-labor income relativity and its contribution to financial stability and quality of life during retirement. Further, we attempt to answer if consistent non-labor income can reduce financial anxiety that may be associated with market fluctuations or economic downturns, which typically affect net worth. In this regard, retirees may feel more secure when they have guaranteed income sources that are independent of market outcomes, which directly impact overall well-being and life satisfaction. Plainly, the objective of this study is to test if non-labor income relative to net worth is associated with retirement satisfaction.
Thursday April 17, 2025 9:45am - 11:15am EDT
Three Rivers (William Penn Level)

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