Thursday April 17, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
This study investigates the association between disability status and the financial wellbeing of U.S. households, while also examining the moderating role of financial technology (Fintech) to explore the potential for technology-driven interventions for individuals with disabilities. Results from the 2021 National Financial Capability Study dataset show that disability status is negatively associated with financial satisfaction. Among the Fintech variables, online banking, mobile payment, and mobile task management are positively correlated with financial satisfaction, whereas mobile banking and mobile transfers are negatively correlated. Additionally, we found that Fintech plays a moderating role in the association between disability status and financial well-being, particularly for respondents with multiple disabilities. Specifically, mobile payment, transfers, and task management significantly improved financial satisfaction among individuals with multiple disabilities compared to non-users. These findings suggest that targeted Fintech solutions may help mitigate financial disparities faced by individuals with disabilities, underscoring the importance of accessible, inclusive financial technology.
Thursday April 17, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Lawrence Welk (Mezzanine)

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