Wednesday April 16, 2025 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Understanding financial risk is an integral part of making decisions about investing. Without adequate knowledge of financial risk, a consumer’s investment decisions may be based on misperceptions. Conversely, a sound understanding of financial risk may help consumers deploy risk-mitigation strategies, like diversification, and assess various investment products to identify those that align with their goals and risk tolerance._x000D_
To examine how consumers think about financial risk — as well as the relationships among risk comprehension, risk tolerance, and asset holdings — we fielded a survey to a nationally representative, probability-based sample. The survey gauged respondents’ financial risk comprehension, financial risk tolerance, asset holdings, recognition of risk-mitigation strategies, and specific risk-related investing concerns._x000D_
Results indicate that, while most consumers have a rudimentary understanding of investment risk, fewer are able to recognize risk-mitigation strategies. We find that those with higher risk comprehension tend to be more willing to take financial risk, and that investors and non-investors have different risk-related concerns about investing. We also find that investors’ risk comprehension and risk tolerance generally align with portfolio choices._x000D_
Findings suggest that consumers’ concerns about inflation and liquidity may be especially important for financial educators when beginning conversations about investment risk and how to manage it.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 10:45am - 12:15pm EDT
Riverboat (William Penn Level)

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